Thinking back to last year; magazines flew of the shelves. The suddenly that all changed and supplies of printed magazines went unsold. End dates for these posed a problem for those with these stocks who then set about seeking a creative solution that would at least see these put to good use. A North Shore, Auckland Rotarian was contacted by a magazine publisher who had 1,600 copies of the Boy-Zone and Total Girl magazines they wanted to donate to Auckland schools. In the District 9920 area, Auckland South Rotary took up the challenge to arrange the distribution of 800 magazines to six Decile-1 schools as depicted in the photo. This was a big task but the club team excelled resulting in so many smiling faces. A similar distribution occurred in District 9910. Rotary has the network, the 'can-do' attitude and the integrity to inspire confidence that we can take donations and other opportunities make do good with them. As clubs we need to spread the word in this regard.