Firstly, many thanks to all our District 9920 club members who checked into the first leadership-elect development (LED) sessions over June 7 and 14 Sunday afternoons. It was so special to have our Pacific Islands members present and learning alongside of our Tamaki/Auckland club members for the first time! Also great to have other district members join us as well as global whanau – Jean Louis- Bonjour!
This was the first time this programme (previously LETS) has been delivered via the Zoom platform which has been a gift of COVID-19. It has enabled Rotary clubs across Aotearoa and the world to keep connected.
Secondly, a big thank you to our facilitators who prepared and presented their unique sessions which were informative, participatory and engaging. Again, a new space for many of our facilitators who perfectly managed the challenge.
All video recording of all sessions is accessible on the YouTube Rotary Oceania website just click here.
Thank you to those who completed the evaluation surveys for each session. This provided valuable information to assist in delivering an even better LED 2021. A summary will be made available on the district website.
What we learnt:
- Zoom was a great platform to deliver District Learning and Development (LED).
- Supplementary Learning Center modules, available for self-learning, are a great place to start. Access is via Rotary International but you will need to login. A range of topics can be covered at your leisure.
- All facilitators are available for club meetings. Contact and book them in for some in-house club learning via Zoom or in person.
Next steps:
- The Learning and Development Committee are preparing other opportunities for the forthcoming 2020-2021 year. View these opportunities in the Learning Development section of the district website beginning 1 July 2020.
- Contact the team to discuss how we can support your club or cluster of clubs.
Wishing all District 9920 clubs a successful new year ahead.
Tangohia te wero / Take up the challenge!
Edith Chaney, Ursula Bach, Beryl Robinson, Becky Giblin
(The Learning and Development Team)