Do you want more members, or just to make sure your current members are happy? Then tell them about the 100 or more Rotary recreational Fellowships they can join (including the displayed ones). Rotary is more than service and club activities as among these Fellowships there is something for every taste. For more go to
Rotary has way more to offer its members than club membership alone and doing projects. There are things that add tremendous value to your personal lives such as Rotary Fellowships which are international groups that share a common passion. Being part of a fellowship is a fun way to make friends around the world, explore a hobby or profession, and enhance your Rotary experience. There are so many groups you can join to match you passion or just to start a new interest. Strong Fellowships in New Zealand include: Wine Appreciation, Caravanning, Flying, Yachting, Cricket, Home Hosting, but there are more.