As of July 1, 2024, Rotary International embarked on a new year dedicated to service and making a difference. Guided by the theme "The Magic of Rotary," over 1.4 million members spanning across 200 countries are ready to create positive changes in communities worldwide.
The year 2023-2024 for Rotary District 9920 was exceptionally productive under the leadership of Immediate Past District Governor Vineeta Nand. Significant milestones were achieved, culminating in the successful District 9920 Conference held in Nadi, Fiji from April 5-7, 2024.
The changeover event at the Howick Club was well attended, with 145 Rotarians and friends of Rotary present, showcasing the true MAGIC OF ROTARY. Every project undertaken, every meal provided, every youth initiative organised, and every Rotary event attended or hosted exemplifies this magic.
In my visits to various changeovers this year, I've had the pleasure of meeting clubs led by new teams brimming with fresh ideas poised to make a significant impact.
Our focus on membership growth, retention, forming new clubs, and enhancing our public image to highlight our projects and ROTARIANS AT WORK is gaining momentum. At every club visit, I've witnessed new members joining or expressing interest in joining. Some clubs have merged, forming larger, more dynamic units with a wider array of ideas and camaraderie.
One club notably achieved a remarkable growth, adding 15 new members and embracing positive change.
While some clubs remain small in size, they continue to carry out outstanding Rotary work with immense pride.
The implementation of regionalisation is now fully underway. Community leaders are working more effectively within their regional groups, having undergone thorough face-to-face training and now collaborating closely with all presidents. This unity fosters idea-sharing and teamwork, ensuring that projects are both successful and enjoyable.
Let us continue to work together, for together, we amplify our strength and demonstrate to all the enchanting MAGIC OF ROTARY.