Ride a Train to enable others to Walk
October is Polio month with World Polio Day occurring on 24 October 2019. This is an opportunity for all clubs to raise awareness and funds for the End Polio programme. Districts 9920/9910 have decided to collaborate to hold an event called Polio All Trains (PAT) on the Auckland Transport Network. This is based on the All Stations event held in Sydney in 2018 when $250,000 was raised for End Polio.
The concept is that a team (dressed in red End Polio apparel) will ride the Auckland Transport (AT) Train Network and at each station visited there will be a local Rotary Club (also dressed in red End Polio apparel) who will symbolically hand over a cheque for the End Polio Campaign to the Polio Team riding the trains. You may have a fake ‘big cheque’ to use for this occasion.
The photo opportunity will be actioned either at the station/platform but if there is not enough time, the club members will join the train to have the photo opportunity on board and ride for a couple of stations – then return via train to their base station.
Actual funds for polio should be deposited into your district’s appropriate Rotary Foundation account by 8 November 2019 with the reference of [club name] and code [PAT1Nov].
AT have given permission for us to undertake this event and to collect donations from passengers travelling on the trains and at the stations.
It is anticipated we will not only raise awareness of the End Polio Campaign but it is also an opportunity for local clubs to promote Rotary and invite interested people to join or engage with their club.
The project team will work with clubs on allocation of stations. Some stations have been identified for more substantial information stands and require people throughout the event’s duration.
This event will happen on 1 November 2019 and commence at approximately 8am until 6pm. This is a brief overview of the event with more detail to come.
There will be a timetable of when the train with the Polio Riders will arrive at each club’s designated station.
Rotarians will be able to join the Riders group by registering and this form is also attached. Riders can ride free on the network as long as they are wearing a red End Polio Shirt.
We suggest each Polio Rider arranges sponsorship from friends and families to raise money whilst they ride the trains at say $1.00 per station.
We would like to invite your club to participate in this event.
If you are interested please complete the Club registration form.
If you would like to be a Train Rider please complete the Rider Registration form. Both forms can be returned to tagpoliooff@gmail.com by 29 September 2019.