Rotaract Club (Auckland City) ran 11 kms of the Auckland Marathon on Sunday 1 November to support and raise awareness of their Rotary project of choice, Rotary Give Every Child A Future (GECAF). The $3000 (plus) raised will be matched $1 for $1 to $3000 by The Vodafone Foundation - what an amazing achievement. They were supported by Rotaractors from across the global such as illustrated in this inspiring POST from Uganda
GECAF has partnered with UNICEF and aims to vaccinate and protect 100,000 children from rotavirus, pneumococcal disease, and cervical cancer, across nine Pacific Island Countries.
A Give-a-Little page has been created to accept your support – note that every $50 you donate vaccinates one child. Also, please help us by sharing the great news of this project among your friends and contacts as the Pacific community is an integral part of our New Zealand community and a project like GECAF is something that enables everyone to help in a very worthwhile way. Go HERE to donate. Click on the header to open the story and use the social media bar to share this good-news story among your friends.