In March the Rotary Club of Suva participated in the official launch of the 'Inspire Pacific' initiative at the Fiji Juvenile Rehabilitation and Development Centre.
The action was officially launched by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation, Ms Jennifer Poole.
Present were also Mr Rupeni Fatiaki, Director for Social Welfare, Ms Ella Tukutukulevu, Assistant Director, Social Welfare Division, the staff at the centre, the young boys, the Inspire Pacific Juvenile and Community co-ordinators, Rotary Club of Suva President, Spiro, Treasurer Deepak, Rotarian and Freight Services' Head Joe Taoi, Heads of IWA, ADB, Exxon Mobil and Beacon Media, who provided the training and materials for the literacy and numeracy teachers.
The Rotary Club of Suva is providing funding of $10,400 for the teachers for the first year. Last year it assisted the Juvenile Centre by donating kitchen and bedding materials, sheets, blankets, etc.
Rotarian Director Joe Taoi of Freight Services in collaboration with the RCS donated a container adapted to a music classroom and small theatre room.