Our Rotary family around the world is still experiencing terrible times and Rotary International is setting policy in that bigger picture.
For any Rotarian in the district involved in organising Club meetings or events there are conflicting instructions.
Please click here to visit the website to review important information around:
- 9920 Rotarians holding or attending in-person meetings,
- a Health Safety and Risk Management Plan (this needs to be adapted for Pacific nations) and
- a Crisis Management Plan
The document "District 9920 and in-person meetings - 15 March 2021.pdf" explains why Rotary International is following the World Health Organisation's recommendations and why the nations of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, where elimination is the national setting, places us in a different position from the WHO recommendations to nations that have not adopted elimination.
The issue WHO has raised is how to exit from elimination to open borders with vaccine passports is still not clear.
What is clear is that we have a different strategy and our communities have paid a high price to achieve that position.
We can meet in-person provided we, as Rotarians, ensure we lead with a demonstration of our commitment to our advocacy of elimination of preventable disease.
This advice is posted on a forum. If you want to ask questions, please go to:
Please read the document "District 9920 and in-person meetings - 15 March 2021.pdf" and help Rotary advocate our public health position and the fact that we need to lead the way, especially when vaccination becomes open for us all.