A group of 10 runners is running the 12 volcanoes in Auckland on Sunday 24 October for rising the awareness of End Polio Now. It is on the World Polio Day and the runners will wear the EPN T-shirts when running. There is a support vehicle providing supplies along the way. Schedule with times is below
Summarized as:
* What? Run 12 volcanoes in Auckland to rise the awareness for EPN
* How? All runners wear the red EPN tee shirts, caps and masks all the way through out 12 volcanoes.
* Who? Ronald Chen to lead a team of up to 10 runners.
* When? Sunday 24 October ( The World Polio Day)
* Where? Start 7am from entrance of Mt Eden(Puhi Huia Rd corner), run 12 volcanoes and finish at Mangere mountain summit.
* List of volcanoes
1. Mt Eden/Maungawhau
2. Mt Albert/Te Ahika
3. Mt Roskill/Puketapapa
4. Three Kings/Te Tatua
5. One Tree Hill/Maungakiekie
6. Mt St John/Te Kopuke
7. Mt Hobson/Ohinerangi
8. Mt Wellington/Maungarei
9. Mt Smart/Parotonga
10. Mt Richmond/Otahuhu
11. Starve Park/Robertson Hill
12. Mangere mountain/Te Pane a Mataaho
If you want to support and cheer the runners, here’s the estimated time schedule for each volcanoes.
7am Start: 275 Mt Eden Road
8:20 Mt Albert: 42 La Veta Avenue
9am Mt Roskill car entrance
9:30 Three Kings: 113 Duke Street
10am One Tree Hill: Olive Grove and Kenneth Myers Dr junction
10:30 35 Mt St John Avenue
10:45 36 Mt Hobson Road
11:20 88 Lady Mile Drive
12:00 Mt Wellington car entrance
1pm Mt Smart Stadium entrance
1:40 Mt Richmond: carpark from Mt Wellington Highway entrance
2pm Sturges Park top carpark
3:30 Mangere Mountain: Domain Road entrance
5pm Finish: 275 Mt Eden Road
Total 10 hours of running, allow half an hour tolerance.
One Tree Hill at around 10am would be a great spot to cheer the runners on from, or at Mangere Mountain 3:30pm.
Runners are: Ronald Chen (organiser), Michael Bao, Han Pow, Anna Liu, Co Co Lencse, Dawei Guo, Thomas Tang and Kelley Robinson plus driver of support vehicle Jenny Lin.
For Rotarians and friends participating or supporting this event please observe the following guidelines.
At Alert Level 3, you can exercise in your local area on your own, or with people in your household bubble. If you are exercising outside, try to keep a 2 metre distance from people who are not in your bubble.
Outdoor exercise which is low-risk, such as a run or bike ride
- You are not required to wear a face covering, but we strongly encourage you to wear one.
- Try to keep a 2 metre distance from people who are not in your bubble.