Pictured are the RYPEN Leadership Team – Gabriel, Claire, Grace & Henry.
Due to Covid-19, all District Youth Programmes were cancelled including the 2020 Rotary Youth Programme of Enrichment (RYPEN) Camp, which was to be held from 27-29 March 2020 at Kokako Lodge.
While it was no possible for the camp to go ahead as originally planned, the organisers still wanted to provide the students with the opportunity to develop their leadership skills as for many it would not be possible to reapply in 2021 as their schooling progressed. With Alert Level 4 requiring students to isolate in their 'bubbles' the obvious solution was to make use of readily available technology to deliver the RYPEN leadership curriculum online. This initiative is borne out of discussion over SKYPE on the night the Team cancelled the Camp on 9 March and the first video was out during the first week of lockdown.
Over the course of five weeks following the commencement of lockdown, the RYPEN Leadership Team produced weekly 10-15 min videos and worksheet journals for the students that were selected to go to the cancelled RYPEN Camp. The students were encouraged to use the worksheet journals to jot down notes and develop their personal skills, and then ask the Leadership Team any questions via Google Docs that had been setup. This was all at no cost to the clubs who initially sponsored to the students to the 'physical' camp.
Extra value was added to this initiative by inviting past RYLArians from Australia, Auckland and Christchurch to contribute to the videos. Along the way the success of this online programme inspired District 9685 RYPEN team to prepare a hybrid version and have been in regular communication with the NZ Team.
For an idea of what the content in this module may include, please watch the following video from our RYPEN leaders:
Past RYLArians that have contributed to the video
Genevieve Mora, Auckland
Jason Hart, Dunedin
Nikki Fraser, Christchurch
Amelia Servant, Australia
Jac Madsen, Australia
Genevieve Langron, Australia
Ben McNevin and Rebecca Fry, RYLA Oceania
Permission and Distribution of ebook "Get Back an hour in every day" by Les Watson which was distributed to the students for free.
Video #2
For further information please contact Ainie Kwok.