An equal world is an enabled world, so it is appropriate with International Women's Day on 8 March that we celebrate the talented women who made the commitment to lead District 9920 (part of Auckland and the Pacific Islands) as District Governor. Thank you and we look forward to many more women District Governors in our future.
These women have all been club presidents, assistant governors and held various district and / or Rotary positions in their journey to district governor in the year listed. All were supported by their families and their Rotary clubs.
They would all agree that their journeys will all have their own unique features, successes and challenges and that their year in office succeeded because of all the support willingly given by all Rotarians to make that year the outstanding success it was. Throughout their year as governor nominee and governor-elect and then district govenor the personal growth they experience was immense, the experiences they had were often literally once-in-a-lifetime and opened their understanding of the world around us all, and the knowledge and experience in Rotary they gained is continuing to be well used in Rotary service to this day.
All of these past district governors will tell you that the Rotary journey is an exciting one and open to any women willing to become engaged - they truly have demonstrated that Rotarians are People of Action. BTW - Nominations for District Governor 2021-2022 are now open.