Lets get the Disclaimer out of the way first: This story is NOT an official Rotary viewpoint. What is written below is the presentation made by one member of a debating team at a Rotary meeting where the Moot was "Should Covid-19 vaccinations be compulsory for 18 year olds and older?". The debate argument by Mile Cain drew very wittingly on a Four Way Test analogy to make their point. The middle picture is the rather serious St Johns Rotary debating team and the last the very entertaining team from Auckland East Rotary. Go to the St Johns website for their 10 May Bulletin write up of the evening or their Facebook page.
Rotary does support Covid-10 vaccination - in fact Rotary clubs around the world are mobilizing in their communities to support the introduction and delivery of COVID-19 vaccinations and more on this is here.
So, click on "Read more" and enjoy one of the debate "arguments".
Debate presentation (unedited):
Who can remember those good old days when we used to travel to those exotic places that required inoculations like yellow fever, before entry was permitted. So mandatory inoculation is not new.
As this is a Rotary debate I am going to give the Rotary perspective.
Firstly, Rotary’s biggest and most successful community programme, is an immunisation programme - Polio Plus. In NZ this immunisation is free.
Bill Gates, who has been a huge supporter , has recently pledged 3 Billion dollars to help fight Covid
Let me put our proposal through The Four Way Test
Is it The Truth?
Of course COVID is the truth. New Zealand has been in the fortunate position to watch, as the virus has spread wildly through communities that have not heeded warnings and been unbelieving of what was required to stop the spread of this virus
The truth is we need a mandatory vaccination.
Is It Fair To All Concerned?
Absolutely - It protects the vulnerable in our society by eliminating the selfish element who show disregard for others at every turn - we have seen this already in our own country.
It will be alright and it won’t affect me.
Will it Build good will and better friendships?
If the team of 5 million act together, then there will be no more finger pointing. We have seen this in various sections of our society already. The reluctance of some families to get the measles vaccination saw the consequences of these personal decisions for themselves. Their children, they were trying to protect were harmed’ loosing fingers, limbs and even death.
Will It be beneficial to all concerned?
If we act collectively and receive the vaccination we will control the spread of this COVID virus.
In India alone, there are 3,500 deaths per day, that is more than 2 a minute. Just think how many more have died during this debate!
The next biggest problem facing the US is that 30% are resisting getting vaccinated.
At this level experts say they will not achieve a Herd immunity.
This is exactly why we are advocating compulsory vaccination
If we do not act together we will live in the fear of the virus spreading and more disruption to our lives.
The economic packages that this government has put in place will be wasted if more lockdowns are required. The rest of the world has shown how waves of this virus continue and have mutated with time.
Mandatory vaccination eliminates selfishness in our society and will be beneficial to all concerned.
In summary it is a strong yes for compulsory vaccination against Covid
In case you forgot: