Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA)

Participants: Secondary School Students between the ages of 15 to 16
The RYDA Programme (or Road Safety Education - RSE) is a Rotary initiative that aims to deliver coordinated, updated and practical road safety information to school students who have recently or are in the process of obtaining their driving license.
The Programme which is run by Road Safety Education (RSE) engages local community experts to complement the school road safety curriculum and to provide an opportunity for 15 and 16-year-old students to access additional road safety resources not available within schools.
The key aim is to influence the attitude of young people and inform them of their responÂsibilities when driving or riding in a vehicle, thereby assisting our community in achieving a reduction in deaths and injuries on our roads.
The programme is conducted over a one-day period, during school time, away from the school environment.
The Programme comprises six separate presentations including presentations by Police, Brain injury Association, Rights and responsibilities for young drivers, Hazards and distractions, Speed and stopping, Effects and consequences of alcohol and drugs.
Rotary clubs support their nominated school by providing volunteers on the day that school attends and by making a financial contribution to ensure that no students miss out for financial reasons and that costs to schools and students are minimised.
Contacts 2021-2022:
General Manager RSE
Maria Lovelock
Phone: 021545030
RSE website: