Bula Vinaka
We are now days away from the District Conference in Nadi and a lot of work is going on in the background to give you all as good experience at the conference. This will be a great opportunity for networking amongst Rotarians of our District where we will build friendships, reconnect and get celebrate Rotary. Please ensure that you have registered. We look forward to sharing our Fijian hospitality with you all.
We are now days away from the District Conference in Nadi and a lot of work is going on in the background to give you all as good experience at the conference. This will be a great opportunity for networking amongst Rotarians of our District where we will build friendships, reconnect and get celebrate Rotary. Please ensure that you have registered. We look forward to sharing our Fijian hospitality with you all.

Leadership Impact Seminars have been held except for the seminar for PEs in April in Fiji for the Pacific Island team and I hope that all clubs participated to ensure that we are well prepared for the coming year.
A lot is happening in Rotary and the District Leadership Team are constantly updating your Area Governors and Presidents on the processes however if you feel that you need to know more, please do talk to your Presidents or your Area Governor or the District Leadership Team.
The Singapore Convention is also fast approaching. It is looking to be a great event. I hope you have registered for this.
Membership in our District continues to grow. The Rotaract Club of Lautoka is in the process of inducting new members and we are forming a new Rotaract Club in Pagopago. Clubs are continuing to induct new members or are working hard to increase membership in their clubs. A big thank you to all clubs that have gone out of their way to ensure that they increase their membership.
I have either been involved in or have been made aware of some great projects that are being planned or are underway. We want to hear about your projects. Please write an article or give details to our Bulletin Editor, Erica Lee so that we can include this in our next bulletin or post it on our website. We enjoy reading your social media posts and this is a great way to engage or inform other clubs and rotarians of what we are doing.
Keep up the great work you are doing as Rotarians and let’s keep flying the Rotary Flag high!
I wish you and your family a Blessed Easter!