First on the scene in times of disaster - you can help

Rotary was as is usual, first on-scene with essential aid for those most in need following Cyclone Winston. Fiji Rotary have a very well planned and practised response to emergencies and while these arrangements cover a number initiatives, central to this are the Emergency Response Kits (ERK’s).
As a result of Cyclone Winston the stock of ERK's went down to a low level following the distribution of 1,014 ERK’s in Fiji so help of Rotary clubs and Rotary supporters is needed to replenish these before the next disaster occurs.
RNZWCS Ltd represents all the NZ-based districts and is responsible for the ERK programme. District 9920 is at the forefront of this programme because much of the Pacific is part of the district. There is now an urgent need to start preparing to pack another 1000 ERK’s.
You can help in a practical, hands-on way:
This involves the co-ordination skills of Don Bendall ( ) and his core ERK team with the support of many Rotarians from D9920 Clubs. It is not an easy task but one which must be done to be prepared in case of another disaster in the Pacific like Cyclone Pam in 2015 and Cyclone Winston in February 2016.
If hands-on is not practical, you can donate:
Many clubs prefer to make a donation towards ERKs on behalf of the person they would like to acknowledge and the Gift Card enables this.
Recipients may be a Guest Speaker or someone who has done something of value in support of the club etc. Individual Rotarians have also acknowledged their customers at Christmas or other special occasion by making a donation to ERKs as a thank you.
The process is to make a donation to RNZWCS Ltd and receive in return an appropriate number of cards (with envelope) each with a stated value completed by RNZWCS Ltd and the total across the cards equating to the value of the donation.
Orders and queries to Stuart Batty,
Donation options are:
At any Westpac Branch or by Internet Banking Quoting 03 1702 0192208 01 Ref. 666
Paypal at
Cheque to RNZWCS Limited (Rotary New Zealand) PO Box 20309, Christchurch 8543, New Zealand
More information, including a brochure on ERK's at
Auckland based Clubs are reminded that if they are donating monies for ERK’s and/or more specific projects to individual Clubs via their Charitable Trusts that this money cannot go direct to a Club overseas but must be sent via RNZWCS Ltd to comply with IRD regulations.
If you have a particular Club or other organisation to which you wish to send this money it will be tagged by RNZWCS Ltd and remitted for that purpose. Don’t forget to include your recipient information/project in the reference information when doing a direct credit by internet banking.