Invitation to District 9920 President Elect Development (PED)
November 22, 2020, 1.00-4.30pm (New Zealand Time)
Kia ora, Hello, Kia Orana, Bula, Namaste, Bonjour, Tālofa lava, Mālō e lelei, and Mauri Rotarians and Rotaractors.
As we begin the lead up to Christmas and reflect upon an unprecedented year across Aotearoa/New Zealand and the world, we recognise how grateful we are for our dedicated response to COVID19 to date, allowing us to re-imagine a new normal, for our families, businesses, country and Rotary.
DGE Stephen Chaney together with the Leadership Elect Development Team (LED), are privileged and excited to build upon the District on-line delivery and in-person sessions over the next few months for Rotarian and Rotaract Leadership Elect Development 2021-2022.
As part of the new ways of working and to assist with building collective capacity and capability in our clubs, we are extending the invitation to the President Leadership Development (PED) session to other members of your club. You are welcome but not limited to, inviting your current President or board members and new members in your year.
The first of these opportunities is President Elect Development (PED) to be presented on-line on Sunday November 22, 1-4.30 pm New Zealand time.
To ensure we keep relevant and responsive to Rotarian and Rotaractors expectations of President Leadership Development could you and or others please complete the short survey: by Monday 16 November 5.00pm. This will be used to inform the final programme content.
As part of your preparation for the PED session we would also like everyone to log on to the MyRotary - Learning Center to access the Learning Module: Club President Basics.
Workshop 1: Planning for Success, will refer to a. Getting Started: With the Learning Center, b. Get Ready: Club President modules only for the breakout room discussion. Please go through these two modules prior to the 22 November session at:
We would also encourage you and your club members to check out other Learning Center modules that you would find beneficial to increase your Rotary knowledge of roles in your Club and District and as part of succession planning.
District ICT Chair John Fothergill has created a web page link (below) for Rotarian's and Rotaractors to register for the PED session on Sunday 22 November. You will need to be logged in to Clubrunner to register – if you don’t have your Clubrunner login – click here ( to find out how to get it and log in.
Go To the District 9920 Website - Home Page and find the Leadership and Development page on the menu under For Rotarians, or click on this direct link -
Great, you will have arrived at this this page:
The REGISTRATION TABS will OPEN from Tuesday 10 November and close on Friday 20 November.
Reminder, that the online PED session process has two parts: Part 1. Register via the link tab(above). Once you have registered you will receive an email confirming your registration. Part 2 The link for the PED session will be sent on Saturday 21 November to attend the PED session on Sunday 22 November.
Should you have any issues booking in for the PED session, please contact myself or John Fothergill
The PED session will be recorded and made available on our District website in the Learning and Development page.
Note the Pacific Island dates and times (below) to align with New Zealand.
We look forward to seeing you all on-line as part of District 9920 President Elect Development (PED) session on Sunday 22 November, 1-4.30pm
Ngā mihinui / Yours in Rotary,
Edith Chaney, Ursula Bach, Beryl Robinson, Becky Giblin, Malini Raghwan, Shaun Peacock (District Leadership Elect Development Team 2020-21)